My Mother has asked me to write a few short words about her latest business venture, which is fine, as after all what mother hasn’t asked her son to write something for her new underwear and lingerie company? It’s a normal stage of development for my words to appear in here alongside scantily clad images of fashion models and my own mum. All perfectly normal.

“How’s your mother, what’s she doing these days?” Friends would ask down at the pub.

“Oh you know, she’s good, same old same old, just keeping busy making her own lingerie company.”

At least she isn’t in a cult like I first feared when she was keeping this a secret. I’m not even sure where this will end up on the website or for how long, so all I can say is: please consider browsing and maybe purchasing some of the items when they become available at your choice and leisure, if only to be safe in the knowledge it may fund some highly amusing therapy sessions for me later down the line.

‘Alexander,’ apparently.

A chance call into the industry led me at the age of 60 to take the opportunity to experience and learn about the garment lingerie trade from design to manufacture of which was unknown to me.

I am grateful to have this experience to have learned something new at my age as a solo venture with limited resources and has helped me understand and appreciate the work that goes into this trade.

My journey is still continuing as there is always the next stage to learn and I will appreciate your feedback and comments going forward to progress with the next future endeavours for Club M.


“Ageing brings about a new stage of opportunities.”